Minggu, 21 Oktober 2018

New Product - My Pro D-1310

Task 4 - Explaining New Product In The Meeting 

My Pro D-1310 
Good morning everyone, thanks for coming to this morning’s meeting. I want to introduce the new product that will be launched soon. The name of product is MyPro D-1310, it is a LED Mini Projector. This projector is made with a small size, which is 25x8x10 cm. The projector is used to display images, videos, and others. This projector is made to support 3D, so that users can enjoy the new sensation of watching 3D movies with the closest people whenever and wherever. With a resolution of 1366×1024 pixels, it looks enough to support a good display. There are two buttons, power button and a button to adjust the 3D display. If you want to connect your PC / laptop to the projector, you don’t need to use a cable, it only requires bluetooth to connect it. This projector is available in 3 colors, black, white and grey. The advantages of this product are  small in size, supports 3D, easy to carry, speaker support, and others. The weaknesses are this projector is not support for 4K, low resolution, and not support PC / laptop without Bluetooth. In the box of the product includes MyPro D-1310 LED Mini Projector, remote control, cable to connect to the socket, instruction manual book, and warranty card. The ability of this projector to support 3D is not equipped with 3D glasses. 3D glasses are sold separately with other accessories such as pointer screens, projector bags and tripod. After we calculated the overall cost of making this product, me and my team agreed to sell this product at a price of Rp. 800.000,- .

Members :
  1. Ayu Amelia
  2. Ayu Ningtiyas
  3. Christina Meylani Gisela
  4. Fitria Syavira Harani
  5. Pradivta Alfatihah
  6. Rakha Khansa Sakila Putri Malik
  7. Salma Nur Azizah
Course  : English Business

Structure Organization PT. PERTAMINA

Task 3 - Structure Organization

Job Description  :
  1. President Director
  • Coordinate and control activities in the field of financial administration, staffing, and secretarial affairs.
  • Lead the entire board of executive committee.
  • Acting as a representative of the organization in reation to external parties.
  1. Vice Director
  • Arrange and evaluate company goals and plans.
  • Manage company wealth.
  • Supervise the activities and perfomance of top level employees.
  1. Head Of Internal Supervision Unit
  • Make a policy strategies and plan monitoring activities.
  • Reporting all the results of its supervisory activities directly to the managing director and providing copies to the commissioner through the audit committee.
  • Provide advice to all management levels for audit results.
  1. Corporate Secretary
  • Attending board of directors meetings and joint meetings between commissioners and directors.
  • Collecting all important information about the company from every unit.
  • Reporting the responsibilities to the president director continously.
  1. Head of Corporate Law
  • Coordinate the management of regulatory documents.
  • Adjust the rules with decision making.
  1. Director of Refinery
  • Maintain a good relations with partnership.
  • Make a report on the results of the implementation of the task to the boss.
  1. General Director
  • Controlling income money, the result of billing the water usage account from the consumen.
  • Coordinate and control the activities of organizers and equipment.
  • Coordinate and control activities in the field of financial administration, staffing, and secretarial affairs.
  1. Director of Marketing And Commercial
  • Planning the programs for short and long term in order to support the marketing purpose.
  • Controlling and supervising marketing costs.
  1. Director of LNG
  • Head of the LNG Business Sector supervises: LNG Market Development Manager, LNG Sales Manager, LNG Transportation Manager, LNG Plant Operations Manager.
  1. Director of Human Resources
  • Estabilish and mantain an appropriate system to measure important aspects of human resource development.
  • Arrange and develop directly staff.
  • Manage and control the HR expenditure department in accordance with the approved budget.
  1. Director of Financial
  • Choose a plan for short term income and expenses based on the approved budget at the president director meeting.
  • Supervise all problems that are related to the financial provision and all company funds.
Members :
  1. Ayu Amelia
  2. Ayu Ningtiyas
  3. Christina Meylani Gisela
  4. Fitria Syavira Harani
  5. Pradivta Alfatihah
  6. Rakha Khansa Sakila Putri Malik
  7. Salma Nur Azizah

Business Call Conversation

Task 2 - Taking & Receiving call in business situation

(Secretary & Chris Evans)
Secretary        : Good afternoon, Stark Company. Rose speaking, how may I help you?
Chris Evans     : Good afternoon. May I speak to Mr. Stark, please?
Secretary        : Whom am I speaking with?
Chris Evans     : My name is Chris Evans. I am a new client and I want to make a business  appointment with him.
Secretary        : Wait a second, Mr. Evans. I’ll see if he is in.

(Secretary & Mr. Stark)
Secretary        : Hallo, Mr. Stark. I’ve got Chris Evans on the phone for you.
Mr. Stark         : Ok, wait a second. Please connect me with him.
Secretary        : Well, Mr. Stark. I will connect your call right now.

(Mr. Stark & Chris Evans)
Mr. Stark         : Tony Stark speaking, am I speaking to Chris Evans?
Chris Evans     : Good afternoon, Mr. Stark. Yes, I am Chris Evans. I’m glad to talk with you.
Mr. Stark         : Ok Mr. Evans. What are you going to talk about?
Chris Evans     : I would like to offer you a concept about our new project.
Mr. Stark         : If I may ask, what is the project about?
Chris Evans     : The project is about making a new innovation to build a different and luxury real estate in the center of New York City. If you want to know more details about this project, do you mind if we meet to discuss about this project?
Mr. Stark        : Sure, I think it’s an interesting project. You can make an appointment with me through my secretary
Chris Evans     : Thank you for your time, Mr. Stark.
Mr. Stark         : Sure, no problem Mr. Evans.

(Secretary & Chris Evans)
Secretary        : Good afternoon, Stark Company. Rose speaking, how may I help you?
Chris Evans     : Good afternoon. I’m Chris Evans. I would like to arrange an appointment with Mr. Stark to discuss about my project. Would it be possible to meet Mr. Stark on 3rd September at his office ?
Secretary        : Ok wait a minute, Mr Evans. I want to check his schedule on 3rd September first.
Chris Evans     : Ok.
Secretary        : I have checked his schedule, 3rd September aound 2 PM sounds fine. Can you let me know if this is ok for you?
Chris Evans     : It sounds fine for me too. Thank you.
Secretary        : Oke. Have a nice day, Mr.Evans.

Members Group :
1. Ayu Amelia
2. Ayu Ningtiyas
3. Christina Meylani Gisela
4. Fitria Syavira Harani
5. Pradivta Alfatihah
6. Rakha Khansa Sakila Putri Malik
7. Salma Nur Azizah 

Course : English Business 

Introducing Ourself and Other In Business Situation

Task 1 - Introducing ourself & others 

In a Café
Lissa       :  Hi, Jenny! How are you? I haven’t seen you in a while
Jenny     :  Oh Hello Lissa. I’m fine,it has been a long time
Lissa       :  Yeah, you’re right. It’s almost a year we don't meet each other
                   Oh yea Jenny. This is my friend, her name is Rose
Rose       :  Hi Jenny
Jenny     :  Hi Rose, nice to meet you. Where do you come from ?
Rose       :  Pleased to meet you too. I’m from the same city with Lissa
Jenny     :  Oh, How do you know each other ?
Lissa       :  We work together,. What are you doing these days, Jenny?
Jenny     :  Oh. I work for one of the biggest company in this center Jakarta as an secretary. My office is near from Here.
Lissa       :  Oh, that sounds great !. So, is the job going well ?
Jenny     :  Of course, I’m enjoying it. Having a good teamwork and work with kind and capability person on their side is a good point I get from this job.
                   How about you Lissa ?
Lissa       :  oh, I’m a counceling teacher. I help students to learn how to treat and love themselves, I also hearing ang solving their problem by giving some advice.
Jenny     :  that’s interesting. How long have you been working in that school ?
Lissa       :  I have been working there almost 4 years
Jenny     :  Such a long time. How about you Rose ?
Rose       :  oh I’m an English teacher. Just like basically, I help students to learn about writing, reading, and speaking english properly.
Jenny     : where do you two teach ?
Lissa       : In Singapore International School. It’s about 5 km from here
Jenny     : Oh I see. And then where are you living at now Lissa?
Lissa       :  I stay in Andalas Apartment. I shared room with Rose, we living together. How about you?
Jenny     : Oh, I’m living in my parent house in Setiabudi area
Lissa       : thats great. Could I take your phone number? We have to meet again next time
Jenny     : Sure. Its 0812 2345 5678 . Make sure we have to meet and take a moment together again Lissa and Rose.
Rose       :  Yea, exactly.
Lissa       :  We have to go now Jenny, I had another plan with Rose after this lunch
Jenny oh I get it. Take care on your way guys
Lissa       : Yea, thank you,
Rose       : See you later Jenny
Jenny     : see you later Lissa Rose.

Members Group :
1. Ayu Amelia
2. Ayu Ningtiyas
3. Christina Meylani Gisela
4. Fitria Syavira Harani
5. Pradivta Alfatihah
6. Rakha Khansa Sakila Putri Malik
7. Salma Nur Azizah 

Course : English Business

New Product - My Pro D-1310